Book Appointments On-Line
Our Online Booking system that is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Appointments can be made, cancelled, or re-scheduled for chiropractic treatment with Jonathan Clow DC and registered massage therapy with Allan Cull RMT.
Forms for your appointment are available for download below. Please print them out, complete them and bring them to your appointment. If you are unable to, just let us know so we can make alternate arrangements.
Make sure that if you are booking online that you get a confirmation email to ensure that your appointment has been registered in the system. In all cases, please make sure that if your circumstances change and you are no longer able to attend your appointment or no longer require it that you log in and cancel it online or give us a call at the office to let us know 519.425.0202.
Thanks! We look forward to seeing you soon.